Welcome to Valley Maritime Inc. Your one-stop shop for all your marine consultancy and crewing needs in the Americas. We are conveniently located on the west coast of the United States. From the Arctic to the Antarctic, we serve the needs of our clients all over North America, South America and the Caribbean.

Valley Maritime Inc. offers a wide range of services from ship inspections, marine surveys and audits to Manning services for clients all over the world.
Valley Maritime Inc. offers extremely competent crews from El Salvador for vessels trading within the Americas or on liner trades to the Americas. All the crew are experienced and extremely competent with certification from Honduras, a STCW White Flag nation. They offer the cheapest repatriation costs compared to any of the most common crewing nations, with wages and victualing that is comparable or, at times, cheaper to the best crews in the world.
Valley Maritime Inc. also specializes in offering a variety of localized ship inspections, surveys and audits to vessel operators, charterers, Insurance Firms and Attorneys at very cost effective terms while maintaining a high level and quality of service at all times.
We have a team of ex Master Mariners and Chief Engineers with a vast amount of experience between them. Surveyors can be deployed from our own staff members or through our global surveyor network.
We are available 24 hours a day and will be extremely happy to help you with whatever your needs might be.